General Terms and Conditions of Sale


Those are per our latest Price List operative on the moment of the ordering. Our prices are, however, subject to alteration without notice.

Minimum order: EURO 500


Packaging is free of charge only if ordered goods do match with the packaging units shown in our catalogue. Any ordered quantity different from the minimum packaging planned for in the catalogue will cause an increase of 2% of the goods price, due to additional internal charges for handling it.


Prices quoted are valid for goods sold Ex Works. Our customers must indicate the name and address of the forwarding agent they choose. If not, shipment will be made through the usual TR.EM. forwarder. However, on demand, we can supply free your town, debiting a competitive rate on your invoice.


Goods will be insured by the seller warehouse, debiting the rate to the buyer. To enforce this insurance, when receiving goods through a forwarding agent where some packages are missing, damaged or open, please accept them “under reserve” only.


By opening of irrevocable Letter of Credit on our Bank of Bologna.


You will be charged for.


The term of delivery and the quantities of the articles written on our Confirmation are not binding. In any case we will not be forced to pay a penalty in case of delayed or partial delivery. All differences will be settled by Bologna Courts.


Goods remains our property up to the complete payment of their price.


TR.EM. srl will replace defective items only after they have been given back to be analysed, and only when the defect has been acknowledged as such.

The purchaser or the user is obliged to see whether each item is or is not suited to its relevant use. In no case shall the responsibility of exceed the cost of replacing the product.


All references to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) , their trade names or part numbers ar for the sole purpose of identifing replacement parts.


The company will not accept any unauthorised returns (without the relevant authorisation number). All complaints and requests for the return of goods, whatever their nature, must be notified to the e-mail address, providing the following information at the same time:

  • customer identification code/customer details
  • article code- quantity
  • purchase reference (delivery note/invoice)
  • description of the problem encountered and or request
  • descriptive images of the problem/defect and product installation,

If your request is accepted by TR.EM., you will be sent an authorisation email with a return number. This authorisation number must be included in the reason for return in the return delivery note together with all additional information provided with the authorisation. The e-mail of approval received from the service office of TR.EM S.r.l. must always be attached to the delivery note. GOODS RETURNED WITHOUT THIS NUMBER AND AUTHORISATION NUMBER WILL BE REFUSED AND ANY MANAGEMENT COSTS WILL BE CHARGED TO THE CUSTOMER. CLAIMS FOR OBVIOUS DAMAGE DUE TO PACKAGING, TRANSPORT, ETC. SHALL BE ACCEPTED ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY UPON TRANSMISSION OF PROOF OF ACCEPTANCE WITH RESERVATION BY THE CUSTOMER.

In the event of a return for incorrect purchase, the customer will be charged an amount equal to 15% of the value of the returned goods, except for the higher charges for any restoration, which will be shown at cost.



We guarantee that the product supplied is free from defects (for normal use).The legal guarantee is valid for one year from the date of shipment of the goods. Within this period (subject to written notification within 8 days of the appearance of the defect/defect), TR.EM. S.r.l. undertakes to replace parts recognised as defective due to material or workmanship, provided that they have not been modified/altered by users. The liability of TR.EM. S.r.l. shall remain strictly limited to the replacement of defective parts: any further liability for any consequences/damage deriving from the goods supplied, including labour for disassembly/assembly operations and the purchase of additional parts, is therefore declined. The guarantee does not include in any way the labour required for the replacement of materials, travel or transport costs of any kind. No reimbursement is allowed for incidental expenses incurred for the boat’s immobilisation, hauling and/or launching, or any other expenses related to or resulting from the operation of the warranty.

All other warranties, including statutory warranties, shall be deemed excluded and superseded by these conditions. By accepting these terms and conditions, the purchaser expressly waives the right to recourse.



The Customer declares that it is aware of the regulations regarding Extended Producer Responsibility in the EU Member States to which it belongs. It undertakes to fulfill directly, where applicable, its obligations to register with national registers, consortia or Extended Producer Responsibility eco-organisations, to pay the required EPR contributions, and to provide any appropriate labeling indications if it does not intend or cannot affix them itself.

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